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Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:49:25.190000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": false, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2016-06-16T17:00:46.121697Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.950300Z", "uploadedTime": "2016-06-16T17:00:50.441686Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625629, "name": "Daily Tech News Show 14. June 2016", "header": "", "description": null, "files": { "broadcast": "", "theora": "", "smallThumb": "", "original": "", "largeThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "01:00:20.270000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": false, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2016-06-15T12:28:52.691880Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.955039Z", "uploadedTime": "2016-06-15T12:28:57.300929Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625568, "name": "Daily Tech News Show 28. April 2016", "header": "", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "broadcast": "", "original": "", "largeThumb": "", "smallThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:56:56.610000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": false, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2016-05-23T12:45:25.378542Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:27.073844Z", "uploadedTime": "2016-05-23T12:46:30.308371Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625627, "name": "Enkel grafisk nettverksplanlegging med PrimeDesktop", "header": "Dette foredraget handler om PrimeDesktop - et kartleggingsverktøy spesielt rettet mot nettverksadministratorer, som skal hjelpe med driften av og rundt et nettverk. Verktøyet kan hjelpe med å holde oversikt over blant annet topologi, nettverks regler og brukergruppers rettigheter, samt hardware og software i nettverket.\r\n\r\nMålet med prosjektet er å gjøre drift av nettverk mer håndterlig, oversiktlig og kostnadseffektivt ved å hjelpe med opplæring, feilsøking og vedlikehold på et vis der selv nybegynnere kan komme igang med jobben.\r\n\r\nBahram gir en kort introduksjon til prosjektet, forteller litt om hvordan verktøyet kan være nyttig i forskjellige nettverk sammenheng og gir en demonstrasjon for å vise forskjellige egenskaper ved verktøyet.\r\n\r\nBahram Malaekeh er prosjektleder og utvikler i PrimeDesktop, og har funnet motivasjonen for prosjektet etter erfaringer han gjorde som nettverksadministrator hos Elkjøp. Bahram har studert ved Dataingeniør-linjen ved Høyskolen i Oslo hvor han oppdaget han ikke kunne bestemme seg om det var Mark Burgess eller Richard Stallman som var hans idol.\r\n\r\nNUUG-foredrag fra 2010-11-09.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "broadcast": "", "largeThumb": "", "smallThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "01:08:22.120000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2016-06-14T09:53:32.872382Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.957816Z", "uploadedTime": "2016-06-14T09:55:41.376144Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625253, "name": "Empo TV - del 174", "header": "", "description": "", "files": { "theora": "", "smallThumb": "", "largeThumb": "", "broadcast": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 66, "name": "Empo AS", "homepage": "", "description": "", "postalAddress": "Teglevegen 27\r\n1400 SKI", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2159, "editorName": "Rune Hagerup", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "+47 978 41 612", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:25:44.920000", "categories": [ "Velferd" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": false, "isFiller": false, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2014-04-02T23:24:12Z", "updatedTime": "2020-08-30T19:30:45.246726Z", "uploadedTime": "2014-04-02T23:24:13Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625624, "name": "Common Lisp som praktisk verktøy", "header": "Lisp er et av verdens eldste programmeringsspråk, men er mest kjent som et akademisk verktøy innen kunstig intelligens. Det ble oppfunnet av John McCarthy i 1958, og koblingen lisp og kunstig intelligens ble oppfrisket i massemedia igjen for noen dager siden da McCarthy døde, 84 år gammel.\r\n\r\nMen den viktigste lisp-dialekten, industristandarden Common Lisp, egner seg også til praktiske programmeringsformål langt fra kunstig intelligens.\r\n\r\nForedragsholder Espen Vestre har brukt Common Lisp til større prosjekter både hos Telenor og sin nåværende arbeidsgiver Netfonds Bank.\r\n\r\nNUUG-foredrag fra 2011-11-08.\r\n", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "largeThumb": "", "broadcast": "", "smallThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:55:06.120000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2016-06-13T09:23:59.558076Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.962154Z", "uploadedTime": "2016-06-13T09:25:46.532750Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625623, "name": "Daily Tech News Show 10. June 2016", "header": "", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "broadcast": "", "original": "", "largeThumb": "", "smallThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. 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Kuhn, shares his experiences from his work in the field.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2016-06-06.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "largeThumb": "", "broadcast": "", "smallThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "01:01:10.120000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2016-06-09T12:32:47.272905Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.969239Z", "uploadedTime": "2016-06-09T12:34:46.243579Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625618, "name": "Daily Tech News Show 08. 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June 2016", "header": "", "description": null, "files": { "smallThumb": "", "original": "", "largeThumb": "", "broadcast": "", "theora": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:57:00.900000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": false, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2016-06-08T08:54:43.241538Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.973397Z", "uploadedTime": "2016-06-08T09:39:36.468792Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625614, "name": "TED - Cédric Villani: What's so sexy about math?", "header": "Hidden truths permeate our world; they're inaccessible to our senses, but math allows us to go beyond our intuition to uncover their mysteries. In this survey of mathematical breakthroughs, Fields Medal winner Cédric Villani speaks to the thrill of discovery and details the sometimes perplexing life of a mathematician. \"Beautiful mathematical explanations are not only for our pleasure,\" he says. \"They change our vision of the world.\"\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.", "description": null, "files": { "largeThumb": "", "broadcast": "", "smallThumb": "", "original": "", "theora": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. 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Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "01:00:34.940000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": false, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2016-06-01T07:30:05.477014Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.999679Z", "uploadedTime": "2016-06-01T08:18:55.818600Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625601, "name": "Daily Tech News Show 30. May 2016", "header": "", "description": null, "files": { "original": "", "broadcast": "", "theora": "", "largeThumb": "", "smallThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. 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Our users include ordinary\r\ncitizens who want protection from identity theft and prying\r\ncorporations, corporations who want to look at a competitor's website\r\nin private, and aid workers in the Middle East who need to contact\r\ntheir home servers without fear of physical harm.\r\n\r\nRoger Dingledine give an overview of the Tor architecture, and talk\r\nabout why you'd want to use it, what security it provides, and how\r\nuser applications interface to it. He show a working Tor network, and\r\ninvite the audience to connect to it and use it.\r\n\r\nRoger Dingledine is a security and privacy researcher. While at MIT\r\nhe developed Free Haven, one of the early peer-to-peer systems that\r\nemphasized resource management while retaining anonymity for its\r\nusers. Currently he consults for the Electronic Frontier Foundation\r\nand the U.S. Navy to design and develop systems for anonymity and\r\ntraffic analysis resistance. Recent work includes anonymous\r\npublishing and communication systems, traffic analysis resistance,\r\ncensorship resistance, attack resistance for decentralized networks,\r\nand reputation.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2005-04-21.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "smallThumb": "", "largeThumb": "", "broadcast": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. 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Explore The New Yorker's distinctive style with the person who knows it best in this charming talk.\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "broadcast": "", "original": "", "largeThumb": "", "smallThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. 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På den siste topp-500-listen over verdens raskeste maskiner har maskiner dedikert til geofysikk prosessering plass 14, 19 og 32.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2016-05-10.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "largeThumb": "", "smallThumb": "", "broadcast": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. 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This talk comes from the PBS special \"TED Talks: Science & Wonder.\"\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.", "description": null, "files": { "smallThumb": "", "largeThumb": "", "broadcast": "", "original": "", "theora": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. 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Find out X's secret to creating an organization where people feel comfortable working on big, risky projects and exploring audacious ideas.\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.", "description": null, "files": { "largeThumb": "", "original": "", "broadcast": "", "smallThumb": "", "theora": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. 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In this hilarious and insightful talk, Urban takes us on a journey through YouTube binges, Wikipedia rabbit holes and bouts of staring out the window — and encourages us to think harder about what we're really procrastinating on, before we run out of time.\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.", "description": null, "files": { "largeThumb": "", "broadcast": "", "smallThumb": "", "original": "", "theora": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. 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We called Robert Palmer of Global Witness to find out.\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.", "description": null, "files": { "broadcast": "", "smallThumb": "", "theora": "", "original": "", "largeThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:07:49.040000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2016-04-28T07:56:25.218536Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:27.114067Z", "uploadedTime": "2016-04-28T08:07:27.257093Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625534, "name": "TED - Gregory Heyworth: How I'm discovering the secrets of ancient texts", "header": "Gregory Heyworth is a textual scientist; he and his lab work on new ways to read ancient manuscripts and maps using spectral imaging technology. In this fascinating talk, watch as Heyworth shines a light on lost history, deciphering texts that haven't been read in thousands of years. How could these lost classics rewrite what we know about the past?\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "largeThumb": "", "original": "", "smallThumb": "", "broadcast": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:12:11.500000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2016-04-24T20:22:08.861647Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:27.125126Z", "uploadedTime": "2016-04-24T20:54:54.286642Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625529, "name": "TED - Linus Torvalds: The mind behind Linux", "header": "Linus Torvalds transformed technology twice — first with the Linux kernel, which helps power the Internet, and again with Git, the source code management system used by developers worldwide. In a rare interview with TED Curator Chris Anderson, Torvalds discusses with remarkable openness the personality traits that prompted his unique philosophy of work, engineering and life. \"I am not a visionary, I'm an engineer,\" Torvalds says. \"I'm perfectly happy with all the people who are walking around and just staring at the clouds ... but I'm looking at the ground, and I want to fix the pothole that's right in front of me before I fall in.\"\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.", "description": null, "files": { "original": "", "theora": "", "largeThumb": "", "smallThumb": "", "broadcast": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:21:34.050000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": null, "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:27.129777Z", "uploadedTime": null, "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625527, "name": "Practical Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift", "header": "Value types are at the core of Swift (seriously, mostly everything in the Swift standard library is a value type). But how do you avoid subclassing? That's where the power of Protocol-Oriented programming comes in. Learn how to structure your code to (almost) never subclass again! Practical everyday examples and ideas for your own code base will be included.\r\n\r\nThe speaker Natasha Murashev is an iOS developer by day and a robot by night. She blogs about Swift, WatchOS, and iOS development on her blog,, and curates a fast-growing weekly Swift newsletter: This Week in Swift. In her free time, she works on personal projects, speaks at meetups and conferences, contributes to open source, and likes to cross things off her bucket list. She's currently living the digital nomad life as her alter identity: @NatashaTheNomad.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "smallThumb": "", "largeThumb": "", "broadcast": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:46:26.120000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": null, "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:27.132701Z", "uploadedTime": null, "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625526, "name": "TED - Sean Follmer: Shape-shifting tech will change work as we know it", "header": "What will the world look like when we move beyond the keyboard and mouse? Interaction designer Sean Follmer is building a future with machines that bring information to life under your fingers as you work with it. In this talk, check out prototypes for a 3D shape-shifting table, a phone that turns into a wristband, a deformable game controller and more that may change the way we live and work.\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.", "description": "", "files": { "theora": "", "largeThumb": "", "broadcast": "", "original": "", "smallThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:09:26.610000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2016-04-09T19:19:00Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:27.134044Z", "uploadedTime": "2016-04-09T19:19:02Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625218, "name": "Empo TV - del 155", "header": "", "description": "", "files": { "theora": "", "largeThumb": "", "smallThumb": "", "broadcast": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 66, "name": "Empo AS", "homepage": "", "description": "", "postalAddress": "Teglevegen 27\r\n1400 SKI", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2159, "editorName": "Rune Hagerup", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "+47 978 41 612", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:15:00.040000", "categories": [ "Velferd" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": false, "isFiller": false, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2013-11-07T10:27:45Z", "updatedTime": "2020-08-30T19:31:10.354332Z", "uploadedTime": "2013-11-07T10:27:46Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625523, "name": "TED - Tania Simoncelli: How I took on the gene patent industry -- and won", "header": "Are human genes patentable? Back in 2005, when Tania Simoncelli first contemplated this complex question, US patent law said they were — which meant patent holders had the right to stop anyone from sequencing, testing or even looking at a patented gene. Troubled by the way this law both harmed patients and created a barrier to biomedical innovation, Simoncelli and her colleagues at the ACLU challenged it. In this riveting talk, hear the story of how they took a case everybody told them they would lose all the way to the Supreme Court.\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.", "description": null, "files": { "smallThumb": "", "largeThumb": "", "theora": "", "original": "", "broadcast": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:18:09.670000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": null, "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:27.138250Z", "uploadedTime": null, "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625519, "name": "TED - Aomawa Shields: How we'll find life on other planets", "header": "Astronomer Aomawa Shields searches for clues that life might exist elsewhere in the universe by examining the atmospheres of distant exoplanets. When she isn't exploring the heavens, the classically trained actor (and TED Fellow) looks for ways to engage young women in the sciences using theater, writing and visual art. \"Maybe one day they'll join the ranks of astronomers who are full of contradictions,\" she says, \"and use their backgrounds to discover, once and for all, that we are truly not alone in the universe.\"\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.", "description": null, "files": { "smallThumb": "", "theora": "", "broadcast": "", "original": "", "largeThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:05:29.540000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": null, "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:27.139639Z", "uploadedTime": null, "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 626028, "name": "Virtual Machines and Where to Find Them", "header": "Viua VM is a greenfield virtual machine designed for parallel execution. Its instruction set aims to facilitate writing reliable, correct, concurrent software.\r\n\r\nSuch an undertaking is not completed in a day or two - work on Viua started in December 2014, and is still ongoing. Viua positions itself as a contender to the throne currently occupied by Erlang's VM - BEAM.\r\n\r\nApart from a technical overview, this talk will give a tour of the \"softer\" problems one may encounter while working on a piece of non-trivial Free Software. It will also discuss how work on such software may affect one's position in the academia and in the business world. This will be described from an undergraduate student's point of view, early in their carreer.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "broadcast": "", "original": "", "largeThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. 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