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GET /api/videos/?limit=50&offset=3450&ordering=-updated_time&page=4", "results": [ { "id": 625905, "name": "Teckids: The Free Software Youth Organisation", "header": "Teckids is a youth organisation from Germany, aiming at establishing a free software community among children and adolescents (basically pupils). Regularly running youth programmes at FOSS conferences where children take part in workshops about many aspects of technology and computer science, Teckids provides the necessary entry level to the free software community.\r\n\r\n Being a community organisation for young people, Teckids entirely relies on engaging those young people in all aspects of the organisation, starting from tutoring in workshops up to participating as board members. This concept brings a whole bunch of quite complicated and hard processes with it, but is entirely worth while.\r\n\r\n We would like to introduce our work to interested participants in Norway, to present the idea behind the organisation, and maybe find people who would like to engage in the project in Norway.\r\n\r\nEike and Nik are two members of Teckids e.V. in Germany. Nik is chairperson and founding member of the organisation, and Eike, now 16 years old, is the tutor who got everything rolling back when he was 11 years old and held his first PyGame workshops at FrOSCon. The two are now lead developers of the Veripeditus project, a new tool to get young people interested in gaming involved in programming using free software tools.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2017-08-08.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "smallThumb": "", "largeThumb": "", "broadcast": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:56:00.120000", "categories": [ "Barn og ungdom" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2017-08-10T11:38:20.126965Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.567706Z", "uploadedTime": "2017-08-10T11:40:08.983970Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625927, "name": "An introduction to Freifunk", "header": "Starting with the history of Freifunk, Andreas will give an overview on Freifunk's goals and vision. It is also a history about their devices and the software they use for that. Another topic will be their social and political impact in Germany and the EU. He will also talk about how Freifunk organizes with more than 400 local communities. There will be enough time and room for questions, as well.\r\n\r\nAndreas Bräu studied computer science in the early 2000s and now works as a software developer in Berlin. Freifunk came to his life in 2006. Since then he did a lot, i.e. some firmware development, creating web sites, organizing community meetings.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2017-09-12.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "smallThumb": "", "broadcast": "", "largeThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "01:37:10.120000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2017-10-09T11:16:08.356387Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.563427Z", "uploadedTime": "2017-10-09T11:18:53.978862Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625928, "name": "Opne offentlege data", "header": "Kva skjer med opne data i Norge? I fleire år har offentleg sektor gjort sine data tilgjengelege så dei kan brukast av andre. Brukarane kan vere både frå privat sektor/sivilsamfunnet - såkalla vidarebruk - eller at offentleg sektor sjølve gjenbruker data.\r\n\r\nI foredraget gir Livar Bergheim ein kort introduksjon om du ikkje er kjent med opne data, du får høyre eksempel på bruk av opne data, kort historikk, kva er status, kva skjer (nye retningslinjer, felles datakatalog m.m.) og vegen vidare.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2017-10-10.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "smallThumb": "", "largeThumb": "", "broadcast": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "01:22:04.120000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2017-10-12T08:36:36.240346Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.561869Z", "uploadedTime": "2017-10-12T08:38:48.380607Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625966, "name": "TED - Rutger Bregman: Poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash", "header": "\"Ideas can and do change the world,\" says historian Rutger Bregman, sharing his case for a provocative one: guaranteed basic income. Learn more about the idea's 500-year history and a forgotten modern experiment where it actually worked — and imagine how much energy and talent we would unleash if we got rid of poverty once and for all.\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "original": "", "broadcast": "", "smallThumb": "", "largeThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:15:02.120000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2017-12-21T07:58:28.543159Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.534907Z", "uploadedTime": "2017-12-21T08:14:59.510277Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625967, "name": "Caminandes 1: Llama Drama", "header": "Llamaen Koro møter en uventet hindring, og finner en overraskende løsning.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "smallThumb": "", "largeThumb": "", "original": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:01:30", "categories": [ "Barn og ungdom" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": false, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2017-12-25T11:32:18.871232Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.533511Z", "uploadedTime": "2017-12-25T11:36:42.661097Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625969, "name": "Nivlheim, et verktøy for datainnsamling fra datamaskiner", "header": "Øyvind Hagberg presenterer Nivlheim. \r\n USIT drifter maskinparken til UIO, som består av 2800+ servere (fysiske og virtuelle). Vi har utviklet et verktøy som kontinuerlig samler inn informasjon om disse, bl.a. hvordan de er konfigurert og hva slags hardware de har. Det hjelper oss å holde oversikt.\r\n\r\nPresentasjonen handler om hvordan dette verktøyet virker, og hvilke muligheter det gir oss. Vi går inn på noen tekniske detaljer, og snakker om historikken bak designvalg. Til slutt snakker vi om hva vi gjør for å gjøre dette verktøyet om til åpen kildekode, og hva vi planlegger videre.\r\n\r\nØyvind Hagberg jobber i driftsavdelingen på USIT. Han holder på med utvikling av støttesystemer for drift av maskinparken. Han har bakgrunn som utvikler, og har jobbet på USIT siden 2014.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2017-12-12.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "broadcast": "", "smallThumb": "", "largeThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:31:57.120000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2018-01-13T11:10:32.818088Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.530604Z", "uploadedTime": "2018-01-13T11:11:39.479925Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" }, { "id": 625970, "name": "Trustworthy computers", "header": "Jonas Smedegaard presents Trustworthy computers. Buying a new laptop, phone or other computer is not easy. Many computers can run Linux nowadays, but depending on your needs fewer of them work well, if security is one of your concerns then options available to you surprisingly shrink to almost zero.\r\n\r\nThe talk will highlight some security issues and advice on what to look for in computers - laptops, phones and small home servers - for those of us concerned about privacy and want full control over our computing environments.\r\n\r\nJonas Smedegaard is a freelance systems administrator and developer with a special interest in ethically designed computers and software. Jonas is a long time Debian developer involved with several Blends including FreedomBox and DebianParl where ethical aspects of hardware and software is crucial. Since mid 2017 Jonas has been hired by Purism to help develop the Debian-based PureOS shipped with their line of Librem laptops and a future Librem phone.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2018-01-09.", "description": null, "files": { "theora": "", "smallThumb": "", "broadcast": "", "largeThumb": "" }, "creator": "", "organization": { "id": 82, "name": "NUUG", "homepage": "", "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.", "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO", "streetAddress": "", "editorId": 2240, "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen", "editorEmail": "", "editorMsisdn": "", "fkmember": true }, "duration": "00:58:22.120000", "categories": [ "Samfunn og politikk" ], "framerate": 25000, "properImport": true, "hasTonoRecords": false, "publishOnWeb": true, "isFiller": true, "refUrl": "", "createdTime": "2018-01-13T11:53:31.549830Z", "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.529023Z", "uploadedTime": "2018-01-13T11:55:27.396632Z", "ogvUrl": "", "largeThumbnailUrl": "" } ] }{ "count": 3457, "next": null, "previous": "