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page_size - How many items per page. If set to 0 it will list all items. Default is 50 items.

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ref_url - the exact reference url

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ref_url__icontains - the reference url contain this string

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            "id": 626224,
            "name": "Home Assistant - Øyvind Rasmussen",
            "header": "Øyvind Rasmussen presenterer",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "id": 625715,
            "name": "LTTng: Kernel and userspace tracing in Debian - Debconf 16",
            "header": "LTTng is an open source kernel and userspace tracing framework for Linux. This talk will introduce developers and system administrators alike to the toolkit and show how it can help them get visibility into development and production systems. The following themes will be covered:\n\n - A description of the different tools involved\n - LTTng compared to other tracing tools like *perf* and *strace*\n - The state of LTTng in Debian\n - Basic use cases and workflows\n - Analysis of kernel traces\n\nYou should leave this talk with an uncontrollable desire to use LTTng.\n\n**URLs**:\n\nTalk (45 mins) session with Michael Jeanson during Debconf 16",
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                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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            "duration": "00:39:41.880000",
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            "id": 626098,
            "name": "FSCONS 2017 - Maria Xynou - Collect evidence of Internet Censorship",
            "header": "Since 2012, the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) project has been invesnsorship around the world. OONI's network measurement software has shed light on many scary, yet interein how information controls are being deployed. From Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology being used to block media websites during heavy political protests, to country-wide internet blackouts during elections and other events.\r\n\r\nThis talk will highlight some of the most striking internet censorship\r\nevents that have been detected by OONI over the last years, and will\r\ninclude a discussion of their relation and relevance to social and\r\npolitical events. This talk will also explain how you can take action to\r\nuncover evidence of internet censorship in your country and beyond.\r\n\r\nRecorded by NUUG for FSCONS.",
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            "id": 625713,
            "name": "What's new in the Linux kernel - Debconf 16",
            "header": "The Linux kernel is under rapid development. Stable releases are made around 5 times per year, each including many new features and support for new hardware. This talk will summarise the features that have been added and enabled in the last year.\n\nThere have been many changes to Linux between 4.1 and 4.6. Some of these will require new or updated userland applications to take advantage of them. I will attempt to summarise the most interesting changes and the state of integration in Debian.\n\nTalk (45 mins) session with Ben Hutchings during Debconf 16",
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                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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            "name": "Annerledes av Margrete",
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            "name": "Data collection, psychometric profiling and their impact on politics",
            "header": "Most political campaigns are data-driven nowadays, and many are getting into profiling of individual voters. Recently, a company with a strong background in military PSYOPS has implemented technology developed at Cambridge University, to enable psychological profiling based on digital traces. They have then been embedded into some of the most surprising recent political campaigns: Ted Cruz's, Donald Trump's and Leave.EU (Brexit). I will outline my personal journey, first discovering the technology as a test subject for Cambridge University, then investigating this company as a complete amateur, and eventually contributing to an article shared globally.\r\n\r\nA background article based on this research was published by NRK Beta early in february 2017, see <>.\r\n\r\nThe speaker, Paul-Olivier Dehaye, is a mathematician at the University of Zurich working on interoperability tools enabling new forms of collaborative work on mathematical data, knowledge and software. In his spare time, he enjoys litigating (and especially winning!) against multibillion dollar businesses for the defence of his fundamental right to data protection. He is now leveraging that experience as co-founder of PersonalData.IO, a service that helps individuals regain control over their personal data.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2017-04-04.",
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            "name": "Statsministerbesøk",
            "header": "Erna Solberg er gjest i stolen hos Birgitte Falck Jørgensen. De snakker om mobbing og om hvordan få utviklingshemmede i arbeid.",
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            "name": "TED - Seema Bansal: How to fix a broken education system ... without any more money",
            "header": "Seema Bansal forged a path to public education reform for 15,000 schools in Haryana, India, by setting an ambitious goal: by 2020, 80 percent of children should have grade-level knowledge. She's looking to meet this goal by seeking reforms that will work in every school without additional resources. Bansal and her team have found success using creative, straightforward techniques such as communicating with teachers using SMS group chats, and they have already measurably improved learning and engagement in Haryana's schools.\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.",
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                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
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            "name": "TED - Cédric Villani: What's so sexy about math?",
            "header": "Hidden truths permeate our world; they're inaccessible to our senses, but math allows us to go beyond our intuition to uncover their mysteries. In this survey of mathematical breakthroughs, Fields Medal winner Cédric Villani speaks to the thrill of discovery and details the sometimes perplexing life of a mathematician. \"Beautiful mathematical explanations are not only for our pleasure,\" he says. \"They change our vision of the world.\"\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.",
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            "id": 626081,
            "name": "Venn av Nøff",
            "header": "Det er høst og tid for Nasse Nøff å komme inn i varmen etter en lang sesong ute i hagen. Søndag 2.november hadde foreningen Venn av Nøff sin årlige innbæring. I tillegg blir det utdeling av NÆ!-prisen. Følg med.",
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            "id": 625737,
            "name": "Debsources on Mobile: all the source code in your phone! - Debconf 16",
            "header": "Debsources ( is an application aimed at gathering all the source code included in Debian packages, and present it through a web interface. This talk will be about  its new mobile interface, and related features.\n\nTalk (20 mins) session with Matthieu Caneill during Debconf 16",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
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            "duration": "00:09:04.880000",
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            "id": 625861,
            "name": "Hva prosjektledere bør vite om softwareutviklere",
            "header": "Softwareutviklingsprosjekter har en tendens til å gå over tid og budsjett. Dette er det mange grunner til. Foredraget vil legge hovedvekt på en gjennomgåelse av den psykologiske faglitteraturen på området gjennom de siste femten år. Den kan deles i to: Den som er utført av ingeniører, og den som er utført av psykologer. Ingeniørene ser på det vi er interessert i, altså hvilke variabler som fører til produktivitet, men de har en tendens til å gjøre veldig pussige metodevalg, slik at resultatene blir vanskelige å integrere med eksisterende kunnskap. Psykologene pleier å holde seg til ortodoks og nyttig metodevalg, men pleier å studere veldig perifere ting, som hva som skal til for at programmerere skal bli glade i hverandre.\r\n \r\nRolf Lindgren er psykolog fra UiO. Han har utviklet SMS-applikasjoner i Java og MySQL, og skrev koden som konverterte UiOs studiehåndbøker fra studiekonsulentenes XML-dokumenter til pdf for utskrift. Han deltok i, og ledet avslutningen av, et treårig forskningsprosjekt ved Det Norske Veritas som hadde som formål å identifisere menneskelige risikofaktorer i softwareutviklingsprosjekter. Han er seniorrådgiver i Dignus rekruttering og rådgivning.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2007-10-09.",
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            "duration": "00:59:09.120000",
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                "Samfunn og politikk"
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            "id": 625842,
            "name": "TED - Elise Roy: When we design for disability, we all benefit",
            "header": "\"I believe that losing my hearing was one of the greatest gifts I've ever received,\" says Elise Roy. As a disability rights lawyer and design thinker, she knows that being Deaf gives her a unique way of experiencing and reframing the world — a perspective that could solve some of our largest problems. As she says: \"When we design for disability first, you often stumble upon solutions that are better than those when we design for the norm.\"\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.",
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            "duration": "00:13:21.990000",
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            "id": 625841,
            "name": "Blokkjedeteknologier og kryptovaluta-løsninger",
            "header": "Thor-Harald Johansen Fra Bitspace AS introduserer de tekniske løsningene som Bitspace jobber med: Blokkjedeteknologier og kryptovaluta-løsninger for (1) Grensesnitt mot tradisjonelle banktjenester, (2) Steemit/sosiale medier basert på kryptovaluta, og (3) Utvikling og etablering av løsninger og tjenester for the unbanked/de bankløse i den fremvoksende kryptoøkonomien.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2016-12-13.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "duration": "00:54:53.120000",
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                "Samfunn og politikk"
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            "createdTime": "2016-12-14T13:09:15.182902Z",
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            "id": 625700,
            "name": "Meet MariaDB 10.2 - Debconf 16",
            "header": "New MariaDB major release is out of the door. It has new unique features, performance enhancements, as well as better MySQL compatibility. This talk will go over everything new that MariaDB 10.2 has to offer. It will describe all new features, both MySQL compatible, and MariaDB-only ones and show usage examples and practical use cases.\n\nTalk (45 mins) session with Sergei Golubchik during Debconf 16",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "duration": "00:31:21.880000",
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                "Samfunn og politikk"
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            "createdTime": "2016-07-22T06:28:07.340043Z",
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            "id": 625699,
            "name": "systemd in Debian - a status update - Debconf 16",
            "header": "With the stretch development cycle being well underway, we look at what has been happening over the last year since the jessie release with systemd as our default init system and what the Debian systemd maintainers team is and has been working on.\nWe give an update on our plans regarding the stretch release and what is going on upstream.\n\nTalk (20 mins) session with Michael Biebl during Debconf 16",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "duration": "00:21:55.880000",
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                "Samfunn og politikk"
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            "id": 626110,
            "name": "FSCONS 2017 - Karl Trygve Kalleberg - Taking back control of the software running on your hardware",
            "header": "Open technology is a fantastically appealing dream. Here in the real world, however, many of us struggle to get by with the increasingly closed platforms that define our digital life. In this talk, we discuss how to combat closed technology with open technology, through the supernerdy activity of reverse engineering.g is just a fancy name for taking things apart to understand how they work. We demonstrate how this can be done to closed-source software running on various different platforms. \r\n\r\nAs part of our demonstration, we cover a handful of topics relevant for the intrepid hacktivist who wants to survive in the age of gated communities: \r\n* investigative capabilities available on closed mobile platforms (focus on Android and IOS)\r\n* trends in application sandboxing and digital rights management\r\n* gotchas of interoperating with proprietary protocols \r\n\r\nWe’ll approach these topics through a series of adventures on the console, alongside our favourite traveling companion: Frida. She’s an awesome (libre!) tool for inject JavaScript to explore native apps on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and QNX.\r\n\r\nThe examples throughout the talk may be somewhat technical, but taken from everyday examples most of the audience should be able to relate to. Even if programming and reverse engineering is not your thing, you still risk learning something by showing up.\r\n\r\nRecorded for FSCONS by NUUG.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "duration": "00:43:48.180000",
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            "createdTime": "2018-12-14T10:11:17.210834Z",
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            "id": 625774,
            "name": "TED - Andrew Pelling: This scientist makes ears out of apples",
            "header": "Andrew Pelling is a biohacker, and nature is his hardware. His favorite materials are the simplest ones (and oftentimes he finds them in the garbage). Building on the cellulose structure that gives an apple its shape, he \"grows\" lifelike human ears, pioneering a process that might someday be used to repair body parts safely and cheaply. And he has some even wilder ideas to share ... \"What I'm really curious about is if one day it will be possible to repair, rebuild and augment our own bodies with stuff we make in the kitchen,\" he says.\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
                "streetAddress": "",
                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "duration": "00:07:09.380000",
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                "Samfunn og politikk"
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            "createdTime": "2016-09-23T13:36:54.058956Z",
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            "id": 626227,
            "name": "EuroBSDCon 2019, Lillehammer: Paul Vixie talks about DNS over HTTPS",
            "header": "Paul Vixie was responsible for BIND from 1989 to 1999, and is the author of a dozen or so IETF RFC documents about DNS. He also started the first anti-spam company (MAPS) where he co-invented the DNS RBL (Realtime Blackhole List), and was the founder and later president of the first U.S.-based commercial Internet Exchange (PAIX). Today he serves as CEO of Farsight Security, home of the Security Information Exchange (SIE) and the world’s leading Passive DNS database (DNSDB). He wrote the Cron software used on all UNIX-type computers today. He is also co-inventor of the DNS Response Rate Limiting (RRL) and Response Policy Zone (RPZ) feature-sets now in wide use to protect the operational Internet Domain Name System against online attacks. He received his Ph.D. from Keio University in 2011, and was inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame in 2014.",
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                "homepage": "",
                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
                "streetAddress": "",
                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "duration": "00:54:10.940000",
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                "Samfunn og politikk"
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            "createdTime": "2019-12-15T15:22:44.603440Z",
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            "id": 625695,
            "name": "Running an SME on Debian - Debconf 16",
            "header": "In this talk, I would like to share our success story running, one of Greece's most-visited websites, using Debian with over 400 installations covering every tier, from core routers, to servers, development workstations and support desktops. The prospective audience for this talk are primarily system administrators, but its scope is broad enough to include bits on packaging, contributing etc. The key points include:\n\n - Maintaining a relationship with Debian: how, when and what to contribute, how to get your sysadmins involved.\n - Sysadmin-friendly packaging in the age of Puppet: playing nice with both sysadmins and configuration management tools.\n - Internal repository organization and package versioning; how to make sure  your own packages play well with Debian's.\n - Leveraging Debian's own automation mechanisms in a highly automated environment; taming d-i preseeding and putting dpkg-divert to good use.\n - Applying security updates semi-automatically on a fleet of 300 servers.\n - Using Debian on the network: highly available routing and firewalling, using multiple upstream providers.\n - What we could do in Debian to further ease adoption by SMEs.\n\nTalk (45 mins) session with Apollon Oikonomopoulos during Debconf 16",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
                "streetAddress": "",
                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "duration": "00:37:17.280000",
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                "Samfunn og politikk"
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            "createdTime": "2016-07-21T20:35:17.483007Z",
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            "id": 625828,
            "name": "Venter på Snowden med Christian Borch, Edward Snowden, John Crane, Alan Rusbridger, Michael Tetzschner, Snorre Valen",
            "header": "William Nygaard, leder Norsk PEN, ønsker velkommen.\r\nEdward Snowden intervjues av Christian Borch på link fra Moskva.\r\nIntervju med varsleren John Crane (USA)\r\n\r\nPaneldebatt\r\n\r\nJohn Crane\r\nAlan Rusbridger – tidligere sjefsredaktør i The Guardian\r\nMichael Tetzschner – stortingspolitiker (H)\r\nSnorre Valen – stortingspolitiker (SV)\r\n\r\nLeder av Norsk PENs Komité for Fengslede Forfattere, Brit Bildøen, presenterer årets “fokusfanger”, dvs. de fengslede forfattere, journalister etc. som PEN-sentere over hele verden retter oppmerksomheten mot på denne dagen.\r\n\r\nEdward Snowdens kamp for å få en rettslig garanti for at han ikke blir utlevert til USA dersom han kommer til Norge for å motta Ossietzky-prisen, trekker i langdrag.  Da Norsk PEN 7. mars i år bekjentgjorde at Ossietzky-prisen for 2016 tildeles varsleren Edward Snowden, ble prisseremonien fastsatt til 18. november i Universitetets Aula. Saken er nå hos Høyesterett. Etter samråd med våre advokater i firmaet Schjødt, har Norsk PEN derfor besluttet å utsette tildelingen av prisen, som forhåpentlig kan skje ved Edward Snowdens personlige tilstedeværelse. Tildeling av Ossietzky-prisen 2016 til Edward Snowden vil derfor finne sted 7. juni 2017.\r\n\r\nNorsk PEN opprettholder imidlertid det årlige arrangementet 18. november for markering av den internasjonale Fengslede Forfatteres Dag. Edward Snowdens avsløringer og situasjon som varsler blir sentralt her. Snowden vil selv tale til forsamlingen via skype fra Moskva.\r\n\r\nProgrammet er på engelsk.  Musikkinnslaget med Pål Moddi Knutsen er klippet vekk for å spare opphavsrettighetskostnader.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
                "streetAddress": "",
                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "duration": "01:56:14.120000",
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            "createdTime": "2016-11-24T11:40:20.728428Z",
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            "id": 626111,
            "name": "FSCONS 2017 - Stian Rødven Eide - A Serious Plan to End Advertisement",
            "header": "Recorded by NUUG for FSCONS.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "duration": "00:39:33.040000",
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            "createdTime": "2018-12-14T10:32:44.576377Z",
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            "id": 626089,
            "name": "The State of Your Supply Chain - Andrew Martin",
            "header": "Container security often focuses on runtime best-practices whilst neglecting delivery of the software in the supply chain. Application, library, and OS vulnerabilities are a likely route to data exfiltration, and emerging technologies in the container ecosystem offer a new opportunity to mitigate this risk. Treating containers as immutable artefacts and injecting configuration allows us to \"upgrade\" images by rebuilding and shipping whole software bundles, avoiding configuration drift and state inconsistencies. This makes it possible to constantly patch software, and to easily enforce governance of artefacts both pre- and post-deployment. In this talk we detail an ideal, security-hardened container supply chain, describe the current state of the ecosystem, and dig into specific tools. Grafeas, Kritis, in-toto, Clair, Micro Scanner, TUF, and Notary are covered, and we demo how to gate container image pipelines and deployments on cryptographically verified supply chain metadata.\r\n\r\nRecorded at the OWASP Norway Day by NUUG",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
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            "createdTime": "2018-12-10T12:18:31.094915Z",
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            "id": 625691,
            "name": "Continuous Keysigning Introduction - Debconf 16",
            "header": "Introduction to good GnuPG and keysigning practices.\n\nRe-verify the continuous keysigning hash, plus a brief introduction to what a Key-Signing Party is and how (and why!) is it being held \"continuously\" at DebConf16.\n\nTalk (20 mins) session with Stefano Rivera and Gunnar Wolf during Debconf 16",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "duration": "00:21:14.880000",
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                "Samfunn og politikk"
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            "createdTime": "2016-07-21T15:56:56.707335Z",
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            "id": 625675,
            "name": "Free Software, Companies and You - Debconf 16",
            "header": "Free software is a unique social movement in that for-profit companies have a deep interest in the outcome of the movement. Where the interest of companies and free software ideology overlap there is a powerful amplification of effort. Many ideological individuals have become employed writing free software and companies have become an important source of funding for the movement. While for-profit involvement is important and in fact inevitable where free software is successful, we as a community must evaluate the relationships we have with companies. In this talk, Karen will examine these relationships and discuss how they impact the future of free software.\n\nTalk (45 mins) session with Karen Sandler during Debconf 16",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
                "streetAddress": "",
                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "duration": "00:45:19.880000",
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                "Samfunn og politikk"
            "framerate": 25000,
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            "createdTime": "2016-07-19T19:55:46.405027Z",
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            "id": 625813,
            "name": "Om beslaget i saken",
            "header": "Økokrim beslagla i vår domenet I den forbindelse gjennomførte de beslag også hos IMC AS og deres regnskapsfører. Morten Eriksen, daglig leder i IMC AS, gir her gi sin versjon av hvordan dette opplevdes fra hans side.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2016-11-08.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
                "streetAddress": "",
                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "id": 625811,
            "name": "TED - Christopher Soghoian: Your smartphone is a civil rights issue",
            "header": "The smartphone you use reflects more than just personal taste ... it could determine how closely you can be tracked, too. Privacy expert and TED Fellow Christopher Soghoian details a glaring difference between the encryption used on Apple and Android devices and urges us to pay attention to a growing digital security divide. \"If the only people who can protect themselves from the gaze of the government are the rich and powerful, that's a problem,\" he says. \"It's not just a cybersecurity problem — it's a civil rights problem.\"\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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            "duration": "00:07:48.860000",
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                "Samfunn og politikk"
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            "id": 625684,
            "name": "Software Heritage: Building the Universal Software Archive - Debconf 16",
            "header": "In the past few decades, software has become a critical part of every single bit of infrastructure running the world, from the tiniest devices we embed in our bodies to improve our health, to the biggest human creations. Software is the key to accessing all the digital information we're constantly creating, and therefore is an essential part of our cultural heritage. But software is just a bunch of bits. Unlike antique stone carvings, software gets lost, deleted, or corrupted.\n\nSoftware Heritage has set out to build the biggest archive of free software ever conceived. Our mission is to collect, preserve, organise and facilitate the sharing of all the available free software. We are laying down foundations on which a wealth of applications can be built, ranging from cultural heritage, to research and industry.\n\nWe started working in May 2015, and (as of April 2016) we have archived 2.2 billion unique files, more than 480 million project revisions across more than 16 million data sources, among which  Debian source packages from, public GitHub repositories, and the GNU project's FTP archive.\n\nThis presentation will cover in more detail the why and the how of Software Heritage, as well as opportunities for the community to help us fulfill our goals.\n\nTalk (45 mins) session with Nicolas Dandrimont during Debconf 16",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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            "duration": "00:27:50.920000",
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            "id": 626090,
            "name": "Modern Web Application Vulnerabilities - Erlend Oftedal",
            "header": "With the emerging popularity of bug bounty programs, lesser known and even brand new vulnerability classes are gaining popularity. This talk will give a walk-though of some of these vulnerabilities, how they occur in modern web applications and how they can be found and fixed.\r\n\r\nRecorded at the OWASP Norway Day by NUUG.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
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            "duration": "00:44:03.440000",
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            "id": 625664,
            "name": "TED - Adam Savage: My love letter to cosplay",
            "header": "Adam Savage makes things and builds experiments, and he uses costumes to add humor, color and clarity to the stories he tells. Tracing his lifelong love of costumes — from a childhood space helmet made of an ice cream tub to a No-Face costume he wore to Comic-Con — Savage explores the world of cosplay and the meaning it creates for its community. \"We're connecting with something important inside of us,\" he says. \"The costumes are how we reveal ourselves to each other.\"\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
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            "duration": "00:13:11.710000",
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                "Samfunn og politikk"
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            "id": 625680,
            "name": "What is Debian? - Debconf 16",
            "header": "A friendly introduction to free software, open source, and Debian, with an opportunity for the audience to ask questions.\n\nOpen Weekend session with Bdale Garbee, Allison Randal, Neil McGovern, Bernelle Verster, Steve McIntyre and John Sullivan during Debconf 16",
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            "id": 625678,
            "name": "What I learned from 365 days of contributing to Open Source projects - Debconf 16",
            "header": "Last year, I committed myself to contribute to Open Source projects, daily, for 365 days in a row. The talk will tell a story of this experience, the difficulties encountered, lessons learned and why (or not) you should consider doing this as well.\n\nNo technical background is required.\n\nTalk (20 mins) session with Dieter Adriaenssens during Debconf 16",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
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            "duration": "00:23:10.880000",
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            "id": 626116,
            "name": "FSCONS 2017 - Pål Taule Bentebråten - Towards a Global Cryptocurrency Infrastructure: A Revolutionary Sharing Economy",
            "header": "Yesterday we bartered with favors. If you do something for me, I will do something for you in return.\r\n\r\nToday giant tech companies has commercialised the favor for a favor economy. They have built strong platforms with algorithms to match two parties in a market. Uber matches drivers with people that need a ride, AirBnB matches people that are in need of a place to stay with people that are renting out their apartments. They call this the sharing economy, but there is no such thing as sharing in it.\r\n\r\nTomorrow, we will build the true sharing economy on decentralized platforms that is owned by the people and not giant tech corporations. We will build platforms where the value is not extracted by a third party, but distributed right back into the network. We will build bottom up organizations with structures of collaboration and sharing rather than top down hierarchies of command and control.\r\n\r\n* A brief history of the sharing economy\r\n* How the sharing economy works today\r\n* How blockchain can transform the sharing economy\r\n* Hurdles ahead, challenges of using blockchains\r\n* Think big, think ahead, see a world of opportunities\r\n\r\nHow cryptocurrencies can enable a true sharing economy.\r\n\r\nChallenges ahead:\r\nInfrastructure and global adoption\r\nRegulation vs Innovation\r\nWhat’s next?\r\nUniversal Basic Income (UBI)\r\nA decentralized Internet\r\nNexus\r\n\r\nFilmed by NUUG for FSCONS.",
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            "name": "32C3 Opening Event (32c3) - 32C3",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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            "id": 626118,
            "name": "FSCONS 2017 - Geoffroy Couprie - Replacing core infrastructure without disrupting the community, the VLC way",
            "header": "This talk draws from ongoing work on VLC media player, Rust and Langsec, and focuses on tools and ideas to improve the basic building blocks of our system. There's a special attention to the way it can be introduced in existing projects and communities without disrupting their development or losing knowledge, and how we can build upon the previous steps to make the next one safer.\r\n\r\nRecorded by NUUG for FSCONS.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
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            "duration": "00:48:53.040000",
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            "createdTime": "2018-12-17T21:59:06.761815Z",
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            "id": 625653,
            "name": "TED - Stephen Wilkes: The passing of time, caught in a single photo",
            "header": "Photographer Stephen Wilkes crafts stunning compositions of landscapes as they transition from day to night, exploring the space-time continuum within a two-dimensional still photograph. Journey with him to iconic locations like the Tournelle Bridge in Paris, El Capitan in Yosemite National Park and a life-giving watering hole in heart of the Serengeti in this tour of his art and process.\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
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            "duration": "00:12:40.940000",
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                "Samfunn og politikk"
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            "id": 626119,
            "name": "FSCONS 2017 - Eireann 'bsb' Leverett - Untapped Malicious Potential",
            "header": "Sounds crazy to even try to estimate right?\r\n\r\nThis presentation will cover the details of the calculation, and how we can track these numbers over time. We will also do some visualisation of this data and initiate discussion of where our resources should be spent best in fighting the threat of rDDoS attacks. The key contribution is an extensible methodology for measuring global potential for rDDoS attacks, in realistic terms of throughput. Why might this matter to DDoS mitigation, and what can we learn by watching these trends over time?\r\n\r\nRecorded by NUUG for FSCONS.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
                "streetAddress": "",
                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "duration": "00:43:12.120000",
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            "createdTime": "2018-12-17T23:13:49.665163Z",
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            "id": 626085,
            "name": "Linux Security APIs and the Chromium Sandbox - Patricia Aas",
            "header": "The Linux Security and Isolation APIs have become the basis of some of the most useful features server-side, providing the isolation required for efficient containers. However, these APIs also form the basis of the Chromium Sandbox on Linux, and we will study them in that context in this talk.\r\n\r\nRecorded at the OWASP Norway Day by NUUG.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
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            "duration": "00:53:46.740000",
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            "id": 626237,
            "name": "EuroBSDCon 2019, Lillehammer: OpenBSD: Add VMM to Packer - Phillip Buehler",
            "header": "OpenBSD: add VMM to ‘packer’\r\nThe sysadmin view of virtualization usually starts at a hypervisor running some kind of “image”. Packer is a framework to create such an image using various host and virtualized operating systems and adding some more bolts.\r\n\r\nThis talk shows the efforts and pitfalls of building a plugin for packer using the VMM framework on OpenBSD. Some details go down the rabbit hole (or reducing it) to provide a Go binary runnable as a plugin. For ease of installation, the ways how to package this as an OpenBSD ‘port’ are shown.\r\n\r\nOn top a bigger picture is provided on how to provide configurable OpenBSD images “at scale” by using the above accomplishments.\r\n\r\nPhilipp Buehler\r\n\r\nPhilipp uses Unix since mid 1990s and OpenBSD since 2000. Born and working in Germany mainly in Unix/Linux/BSD areas including ISP services and networking. Been an OpenBSD developer from 2002 to 2005, trying to cleanup and test pf(4). Co-founder of GmbH having the technical lead in designing and operating FOSS-based business plattforms.",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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            "id": 625614,
            "name": "TED - Cédric Villani: What's so sexy about math?",
            "header": "Hidden truths permeate our world; they're inaccessible to our senses, but math allows us to go beyond our intuition to uncover their mysteries. In this survey of mathematical breakthroughs, Fields Medal winner Cédric Villani speaks to the thrill of discovery and details the sometimes perplexing life of a mathematician. \"Beautiful mathematical explanations are not only for our pleasure,\" he says. \"They change our vision of the world.\"\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.",
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            "header": "Coreboot is an extended firmware platform that delivers a lightning fast and secure boot experience on modern computers and embedded systems.\r\n\r\nIntroduction to coreboot ecosystem and the obstacles industry puts on our wishes of a true computer ownership that starts from open firmware. We will have a quick view of the various projects under the coreboot umbrella and how these have evolved in last 15 or so years. We shall cover topics around securing firmware, review and validation process of coreboot source and the goal of leaving minimal attack surfaces behind (keep-it-simple stupid).\r\n\r\nKyösti is a coreboot enthusiast and has been a developer since 2010, with main interests on low-level debugging tools and reverse-engineering on x86.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2016-09-13.",
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            "name": "Practical Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift",
            "header": "Value types are at the core of Swift (seriously, mostly everything in the Swift standard library is a value type). But how do you avoid subclassing? That's where the power of Protocol-Oriented programming comes in. Learn how to structure your code to (almost) never subclass again! Practical everyday examples and ideas for your own code base will be included.\r\n\r\nThe speaker Natasha Murashev is an iOS developer by day and a robot by night. She blogs about Swift, WatchOS, and iOS development on her blog,, and curates a fast-growing weekly Swift  newsletter: This Week in Swift. In her free time, she works on personal projects, speaks at meetups and conferences, contributes to open source, and likes to cross things off her bucket list. She's currently living the digital nomad life as her alter identity: @NatashaTheNomad.",
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            "header": "Are human genes patentable? Back in 2005, when Tania Simoncelli first contemplated this complex question, US patent law said they were — which meant patent holders had the right to stop anyone from sequencing, testing or even looking at a patented gene. Troubled by the way this law both harmed patients and created a barrier to biomedical innovation, Simoncelli and her colleagues at the ACLU challenged it. In this riveting talk, hear the story of how they took a case everybody told them they would lose all the way to the Supreme Court.\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.",
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            "header": "Astronomer Aomawa Shields searches for clues that life might exist elsewhere in the universe by examining the atmospheres of distant exoplanets. When she isn't exploring the heavens, the classically trained actor (and TED Fellow) looks for ways to engage young women in the sciences using theater, writing and visual art. \"Maybe one day they'll join the ranks of astronomers who are full of contradictions,\" she says, \"and use their backgrounds to discover, once and for all, that we are truly not alone in the universe.\"\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.",
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                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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            "name": "EuroBSDCon 2019, Lillehammer: Rust: Systems Programmers Can Have Nice Things - Arun Thomas",
            "header": "Arun Thomas presents.\r\n\r\nRust is a new programming language, originally from Mozilla, that combines the safety and productivity of a high-level language with the performance and low-level control of a traditional systems language. Rust achieves this combination through clever and pragmatic programming language design — along with awesome tooling and libraries.\r\n\r\nIn this talk, I will dive into the features that make Rust the right choice for 21st-century systems programming. I will give a general introduction to the language and an overview of the Rust ecosystem. I will also walk through the process of developing Rust on BSD.\r\n\r\nArun Thomas\r\n\r\nArun Thomas is an operating systems researcher and an open source developer. He got his first taste of BSD in 2002.\r\n\r\nArun is a Principal Scientist at Draper Laboratory. At Draper, Arun leads the DARPA-funded SSITH/HOPE project, a research collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania, MIT, PSU, INRIA, Dover Microsystems, and Dornerworks to develop a hardware security architecture that enables flexible, verified policy enforcement on RISC-V. Recently, he has been exploring the use of Rust as a foundational technology for building secure systems. Arun has spoken about systems programming topics at ARM TechCon, the Embedded Systems Conference (ESC), BSDCan, EuroBSDcon, BSDTW, FOSDEM, Systems We Love, the RISC-V Workshop, and the Oxidize Embedded Rust Conference.",
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