List of videos

Query parameters

q - Free search query.

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ref_url - the exact reference url

ref_url__startswith - the reference url start with this string

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            "name": "Random Aussies - Outtakes 1",
            "header": "Random Aussies - Outtakes 1\r\n\r\nTelling stories, one Aussie at a time\r\n\r\nWe all know that every man and woman has got their own story, and that every town has a tale ready to be told.\r\n\r\nThis notion is what sparked the concept behind Random Aussies, where we take to exploring the many unique cities and towns throughout Australia and learning a few things along the way.\r\n\r\nWith our trusty team and reliable Ford, we will be bringing you new content weekly, in the hopes that you’ll follow us around via your computer or mobile device as we get to know the real Australia!",
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            "name": "TED - Lucianne Walkowicz: Let's not use Mars as a backup planet",
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            "header": "Trinidad and Tobago amassed great wealth in the 1970s thanks to oil. But in 1982, a shocking fact was revealed -- that 2 out of every 3 dollars earmarked for development had been wasted or stolen. This has haunted Afra Raymond for 30 years. Shining a flashlight on a continued history of government corruption, Raymond gives us a reframing of financial crime. (Filmed at TEDxPortofSpain.)\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.",
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            "name": "TED - Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley",
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            "name": "TED - Tania Simoncelli: How I took on the gene patent industry -- and won",
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            "name": "Practical Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift",
            "header": "Value types are at the core of Swift (seriously, mostly everything in the Swift standard library is a value type). But how do you avoid subclassing? That's where the power of Protocol-Oriented programming comes in. Learn how to structure your code to (almost) never subclass again! Practical everyday examples and ideas for your own code base will be included.\r\n\r\nThe speaker Natasha Murashev is an iOS developer by day and a robot by night. She blogs about Swift, WatchOS, and iOS development on her blog,, and curates a fast-growing weekly Swift  newsletter: This Week in Swift. In her free time, she works on personal projects, speaks at meetups and conferences, contributes to open source, and likes to cross things off her bucket list. She's currently living the digital nomad life as her alter identity: @NatashaTheNomad.",
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            "name": "TED - Lawrence Lessig: We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim",
            "header": "There is a corruption at the heart of American politics, caused by the dependence of Congressional candidates on funding from the tiniest percentage of citizens. That's the argument at the core of this blistering talk by legal scholar Lawrence Lessig. With rapid-fire visuals, he shows how the funding process weakens the Republic in the most fundamental way, and issues a rallying bipartisan cry that will resonate with many in the U.S. and beyond.\r\n\r\nTED talk downloaded from The Internet Archive.",
            "description": null,
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                "name": "NUUG",
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                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
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                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
                "editorEmail": "",
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                "fkmember": true
            "duration": "00:18:19.400000",
            "categories": [
                "Samfunn og politikk"
            "framerate": 25000,
            "properImport": true,
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            "publishOnWeb": true,
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            "createdTime": null,
            "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:27.396010Z",
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