List of videos

Query parameters

q - Free search query.

page_size - How many items per page. If set to 0 it will list all items. Default is 50 items.

ordering - Order results by specified field. Prepend a minus for descending order. I.e. ?ordering=-id.

creator__email - the email of the video's creator

framerate - the framerate in hz * 1000

has_tono_records - if the tono flag is set (true/false)

is_filler - if this is a filler video (true/false)

name - the exact name/title of the video

name__icontains - substring is part of name/title of the video

organization - Frikanalen ID of organization behind video

played_count_web - the number of times this video was played on the web

played_count_web__gt - greater than

played_count_web__gte - greater than or equal

played_count_web__lt - less than

played_count_web__lte - less than or equal

publish_on_web - if this video is published ont the web (true/false)

proper_import - if the uploaded video was properly imported (true/false)

ref_url - the exact reference url

ref_url__startswith - the reference url start with this string

ref_url__icontains - the reference url contain this string

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            "header": "This talk describes a recently started research project named\n[ Colis] with the goal of\ndeveloping techniques and tools for the formal verification of\nmaintainer scripts (preinst, postinst, prerm, postrm).\n\n*Program verification* aims at obtaining a formal assurance that a\nprogram is correct with respect to a given specification. This is\nachieved by constructing a formal proof of correctness of the program.\nIn contrast to *program testing*, the existence of a proof assures\nthat the program behaves correctly in *any* situation described by the\nspecification. Failure of an attempt to verify a program, on the other\nhand, can often be used to generate useful test cases.\n\nA possible example of a program specification is absence of execution\nerror under certain initial conditions. Automatic program verification\neven for this kind of specification is an extremely challenging task.\nIn case of Debian maintainer scripts we are faced with even more\nchallenging properties like idempotency of scripts (required by\npolicy), or commutation of scripts.\n\nThe project is still in the beginning, so there are no results yet to\npresent. However, I will explain why I think that the case of Debian\nmaintainer scripts is very interesting for program verification : some\naspects of scripts (POSIX shell, manipulation of a complex data\nstructure) make the problem very difficult, while other aspects of the\nDebian case are likely to make the problem easier. I am also very\ninterested in the inputs from the audience about possible use cases of\nscript verification in the context of Debian.\n\nTalk (45 mins) session with Ralf Treinen during Debconf 16",
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            "name": "Tor: Anonymous communication for the US Department of Defense...and you.",
            "header": "What do the United States Department of Defence and the\r\nElectronic Frontier Foundation have in common? They have both funded\r\nthe development of Tor (, a free-software onion routing\r\nnetwork that helps people around the world use the Internet safely.\r\n\r\nThe public Tor network has 150 servers on five continents, and\r\naverages over 40Mbit/s of traffic. Our users include ordinary\r\ncitizens who want protection from identity theft and prying\r\ncorporations, corporations who want to look at a competitor's website\r\nin private, and aid workers in the Middle East who need to contact\r\ntheir home servers without fear of physical harm.\r\n\r\nRoger Dingledine give an overview of the Tor architecture, and talk\r\nabout why you'd want to use it, what security it provides, and how\r\nuser applications interface to it. He show a working Tor network, and\r\ninvite the audience to connect to it and use it.\r\n\r\nRoger Dingledine is a security and privacy researcher. While at MIT\r\nhe developed Free Haven, one of the early peer-to-peer systems that\r\nemphasized resource management while retaining anonymity for its\r\nusers. Currently he consults for the Electronic Frontier Foundation\r\nand the U.S. Navy to design and develop systems for anonymity and\r\ntraffic analysis resistance. Recent work includes anonymous\r\npublishing and communication systems, traffic analysis resistance,\r\ncensorship resistance, attack resistance for decentralized networks,\r\nand reputation.\r\n\r\nNUUG talk from 2005-04-21.",
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            "name": "The Supreme Court of DFSG-Free? - Debconf 16",
            "header": "There is no Free Software project in the world with Debian's commitment to representative governance.  Debian has a Constitution, recall and referendum ballot initiatives, and accountable, elected bodies.  However, any representative system, no matter how well structured, has its gaps that can be exploited politically.\n\nIn this talk, I will first confess how I once used such a gap in the licensing approval process as part of package uploads to successfully reach political aims outside of Debian.  I will explain how and why I did it, and why it was possible.  While at the time, I was glad the system could be slightly \"gamed\", in hindsight, I'd like to draw the Debian's community attention this gap open for political opportunists and discuss changes in the political structure to prevent similar political exploitation in future.\n\nUltimately, Debian ftp-masters fully control, absent a specific General Resolution, interpretation of the DFSG.  While, technically speaking,  no specific package upload refusal nor approval sets any overarching Debian policy on a particular license, the ftp-masters' decisions do become a de-facto precedence-based system, much like a common-law Court system, since overturning such decisions would typically require a General Resolution in practice.\n\nThis talk will explore the socio-political ramifications of the current system of licensing decision-making in Debian, pontificate on ways it can be improved (and why it should be), and seek audience participation on whether the analysis presented is accurate and/or if the outcome of that analysis warrants changes in the existing system.\n\nTalk (45 mins) session with Bradley Kuhn during Debconf 16",
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            "id": 625681,
            "name": "The Electronic Struggle - Debconf 16",
            "header": "The role of information technology in the struggle for freedom, including the IBM apartheid case -- (the dompas, my correspondence with Mondo2000, Wired Magazine and Khulumani), nascent online protests, modem activism  (West Coast, Silicon Valley and Cape Town), the dawn of information rights in South Africa, (Article 14 Privacy, 32 Access to Information),  NetDemocracy and Constitution Building during 1995-1996 (canvassing of Communication Minister's Jay Naidoo and Pallo Jordan, iCafe sessions), some important milestones along the way, Electronic Freedom Charter, recent activism around the Cybercrime Bill, Privacy and Information Access, and other bills eroding communications freedom.\n\nOpen Weekend session with David Robert Lewis during Debconf 16",
            "description": null,
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            "creator": "",
            "organization": {
                "id": 82,
                "name": "NUUG",
                "homepage": "",
                "description": "Forening NUUG er for alle som er interessert i fri programvare, åpne standarder og Unix-lignende operativsystemer.",
                "postalAddress": "Norwegian Unix User Group\r\nCSS Mailboks 70, Middelthunsgate 25\r\n0368 OSLO",
                "streetAddress": "",
                "editorId": 2240,
                "editorName": "Peter M. M. Hansteen",
                "editorEmail": "",
                "editorMsisdn": "",
                "fkmember": true
            "duration": "00:50:10.880000",
            "categories": [
                "Samfunn og politikk"
            "framerate": 25000,
            "properImport": true,
            "hasTonoRecords": false,
            "publishOnWeb": true,
            "isFiller": true,
            "refUrl": "",
            "createdTime": "2016-07-20T08:15:36.946218Z",
            "updatedTime": "2018-11-10T18:29:26.877560Z",
            "uploadedTime": "2016-07-20T08:15:47.309019Z",
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